photography: Świat Według Ludwika
In the last week of October, together with the support of volunteers from Poland and in cooperation with Caritas Spes of the Archdiocese of Lviv and Angels of Happiness volunteer group from Ukraine, we provided free time for children in the Dnipropetrovsk and Kherson oblasts.
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Thanks to the possibility of using the second part of the funds from and a donation from Budromost, we have prepared 200 gift packages for children. The packages included stationery – color blocks, crayons, plasticine, pens, as well as practical reflectors, mini flashlights and, most importantly, chocolate. Thanks to the funds constantly donated by the company’s employees, we were able to prepare food packages for children’s families. They include products with long expiration dates, based on which you can compose ready-made meals without worrying about their use-up date.
On the first day, we handed over the parcels at the hospital, where some of the children are exclusively under the care of the hospital. We handed out further parcels during games organized by the group Angel of Happiness, who organizes the games perfectly, taking into account the difficult situation of the children. As part of the funds collected, we also managed to provide additional refreshments during children’s games.
On the second day we went outside the city towards Kherson. Apart from the village we also visited in April, we also reached the towns of Chervone and Novovasylivka. Approximately 350 people currently live in both locations, many of whom are children. All villages were under Russian occupation. The building that used to be a school and library was bombed. Some children study remotely and spend their free time mainly playing on the farm.
We are glad that with small gifts, food parcels and time spent together playing, we could give some joy and moments of forgetfulness from everyday worries and what the children have experienced so far in connection with the war.